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you I encounter your peoples, and thus in a sense I can reach out to every one
of your fellow citizens, with their joys, their troubles, their expectations,
their desires,” said His Holiness Pope Francis on 22 March 2013 to members of
the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See whom he received in audience in
the Sala Regia of the Vatican Apostolic Palace.
180 States maintain full diplomatic relations with the Holy See, to which
number are also added the European Union, the Sovereign Military Order of
Malta, and a mission of a special nature: the Palestine Liberation Organization
his address the Holy Father explained the reasons why he chose his papal name,
thinking of St. Francis of Assisi, “a familiar figure far beyond the borders of
Italy and Europe, even among those who do not profess the Catholic faith. One
of the first reasons was Francis’ love for the poor. How many poor people there still are in the
world! And what great suffering they have to endure! After the example of
Francis of Assisi, the Church in every corner of the globe has always tried to
care for and look after those who suffer from want, and I think that in many of
your countries you can attest to the generous activity of Christians who
dedicate themselves to helping the sick, orphans, the homeless and all the
marginalized, thus striving to make society more humane and more just.”
“But there is another
form of poverty”, he observed. “It is the spiritual poverty of our time, which
afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously. It is what my
much-loved predecessor, Benedict XVI, called the 'tyranny of relativism', which
makes everyone his own criterion and endangers the coexistence of peoples. And
that brings me to a second reason for my name. Francis of Assisi tells us we
should work to build peace. But there is no true peace without truth! There
cannot be true peace if everyone is his own criterion, if everyone can always
claim exclusively his own rights, without at the same time caring for the good
of others, of everyone, on the basis of the nature that unites every human
being on this earth.”
of the titles of the Bishop of Rome is 'Pontiff', that is, a builder of
bridges, with God and between people. My wish is that the dialogue between us
should help to build bridges connecting all people, in such a way that everyone
can see in the other not an enemy, not a rival, but a brother or sister to be
welcomed and embraced! My own origins impel me to work for the building of
that the role of religion is fundamental to this task, Francis affirmed that:
“It is not possible to build bridges between people while forgetting God. But
the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God,
while ignoring other people…. ”
poverty, both material and spiritual, building peace and constructing bridges:
these, as it were, are the reference points for a journey that I want to invite
each of the countries here represented to take up. But it is a difficult
journey, if we do not learn to grow in love for this world of ours. Here too,
it helps me to think of the name of Francis, who teaches us profound respect
for the whole of creation and the protection of our environment, which all too
often, instead of using for the good, we exploit greedily, to one another’s
you again,” the pontiff concluded, “for all the work that you do, alongside the
Secretariat of State, to build peace and construct bridges of friendship and
fraternity. Through you, I would like to renew to your Governments my thanks
for their participation in the celebrations on the occasion of my election, and
my heartfelt desire for a fruitful common endeavour. May Almighty God pour out
his gifts on each one of you, on your families and on the peoples that you
represent. Thank you!”
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