the vacancy of the Apostolic See, and above all during the time of the election
of the Successor of Peter, the Church is united in a very special way with her
Pastors and particularly with the Cardinal electors of the Supreme Pontiff, and
she asks God to grant her a new Pope as a gift of his goodness and providence.
Indeed, following the example of the first Christian community spoken of in the
Acts of the Apostles (cf. 1:14), the universal Church, spiritually united with
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, should persevere with one heart in prayer; thus the
election of the new Pope will not be something unconnected with the People of
God and concerning the College of electors alone, but will be in a certain
sense an act of the whole Church. I therefore lay down that in all cities and
other places, at least the more important ones, as soon as news is received of
the vacancy of the Apostolic See and, in particular, of the death of the Pope,
and following the celebration of his solemn funeral rites, humble and
persevering prayers are to be offered to the Lord (cf. Mt 21:22; Mk 11:24),
that he may enlighten the electors and make them so likeminded in their task
that a speedy, harmonious and fruitful election may take place, as the
salvation of souls and the good of the whole People of God demand.”
Universi Dominici Gregis
On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff
(No. 84)On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff
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Statue of Saint Peter in the Basilica |
Conclave will begin on Tuesday, 12 March 2013. A “pro eligendo Romano
Pontifice” Mass will be celebrated in Saint Peter’s Basilica at 10:00 that
morning. In the afternoon, the cardinals will enter into the Conclave.
more information, please visit:
everything you want to know about a Conclave, please listen to a Vatican Radio
interview with Monsignor John Kennedy from the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith:
"All these devoted themselves with one accord to prayer, together with some women, and Mary the mother of Jesus...."
Acts 1:14
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