…The Lord calls us all, distributing different gifts for different tasks in the Church. He calls us to the priesthood and consecrated life, and He calls us to marriage and commitment as lay people within the Church and in society. What is important is that the wealth of these gifts is fully welcomed, especially by young people: that they may feel the joy of responding to God with their whole heart, gifting it on the path of priesthood and consecrated life or on the path of marriage, two complementary paths that illuminate each other, enrich each other and together enrich the community. Virginity for the Kingdom of God and marriage are both vocations, calls by God to be answered with and for our entire life. God calls: we need to listen, welcome, respond. Like Mary: Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word (Luke 1.38).
…The Lord bountifully sows His gifts, He calls you to follow Him and to extend His mission today…. There is need for a new evangelization, which is why I propose you intensely live the Year of Faith, which will begin in October, 50 years from the opening of the Second Vatican Council. The Council documents contain an enormous wealth for the formation of new generations of Christians, for the formation of our consciousness. So read them, read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and rediscover the beauty of being Christians, of being Church to enjoy the great "we" that Jesus has formed around Him, to evangelize the world: the "we" of the Church, never closed, but always open and projected towards the proclamation of the Gospel.
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Homily, 15 July 2012For more information, please visit:
…In Jesus, God has spoken and given everything, but because He is an inexhaustible treasure, the Holy Spirit never ceases to reveal and actualize His mystery. Therefore, the work of Christ and the Church never regresses, but always progresses.
Dear friends, let us invoke Mary Most Holy, whom tomorrow we celebrate as the Virgin of Mount Carmel, to help us…to respond generously to God's call to proclaim His Gospel of salvation with our words and above all with our lives.
…In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus gives the twelve authority to preach and cast out demons. Relying on His power alone, their efforts bear fruit. Let us continue to strive to keep our lives rooted in Christ so that we too may be effective instruments of the Gospel….
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Angelus, 15 July 2012For more information, please visit:
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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Haifa, Israel |
O, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel,
fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God,
Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity;
O, Star of the Sea, help me and
show me herein, you are my Mother.
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heartto succor me in this necessity;
There are none that can withstand your power;
Show me herein that you are my Mother.
Our Lady, Queen and Beauty of Carmel,
pray for me and obtain my requests;Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands.
For more information about Our Lady of Mount Carmel, please visit:
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